After the Highschool Reunion
It's been 10 years since I graduated and I've been pretty excited to attend the first High School Reunion that my graduating class has organized. I know, I know, a lot of people think they're stupid. Why would you want to see a bunch of people you didn't really get along with back in the day? Unless you were popular of course. Or wildly successful and want to rub it in everyone's noses. Or bored. Not me, I mostly got along with everyone back then and I was genuinely curious to hear about where people ended up and with who they ended up. I can't say that I have many wild and crazy stories to tell since I graduated. I'm still single, no children to speak of. I run a small antique shop about an hour west of where I grew up. My life has been pretty uneventful overall. I'm not complaining. I tend to like the simple life I've dug out for myself. So the day of the reunion, I woke up and climbed out of bed. I put a robe on and sat down at my computer. It...